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Ganz bewusst versuchen wir unsere Publikationen nicht nur für die Wissenschaft zu schreiben sondern möglichst anwendungsnah zu formulieren. Denn nur was auch tatsächlich umgesetzt wird leistet einen echten Beitrag zum Fortschritt. 

Handbuch der Brennertechnik für Industrieöfen


Das “Handbuch der Brennertechnik für Industrieöfen” ist über den Buchhandel oder direkt beim Vulkan-Verlag erhältlich.


Die 3. Auflage ist 2019 erschienen. Im Anhang sind die Arbeitsblätter des GWI vollständig abgedruckt.

Praxiswissen Industriebrenner

Das Buch “Praxiswissen Industriebrenner” ist über den Buchhandel oder direkt beim Vulkan-Verlag erhältlich.

Die Auswahl relevanter Artikel aus der Zeitschrift gwi-gaswärme international gibt einen guten Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Brennertechnik.

2023 | Advanced burner technology for thyssenkrupp’s hot-dip galvanizing plant

Title: Advanced burner technology for thyssenkrupp’s hot-dip galvanizing plant

published in: Steel + Technology., No. 1/2023, page 49, DVS Media GmbH


2021 | Defossilisierung der Thermoprozesstechnik

Titel: Defossilisierung der Thermoprozesstechnik

erschienen in: Stahl., Nr. 3-4/2021, Seiten 62-63, Vulkan Verlag

2020 | Aus Biogas wird Wasserstoff

Aufzeichnungen der Präsentationen der Online – Tagung:

“Aus Biogas wird Wasserstoff” von Joachim Wünning: Aufzeichnung

“Studie: Wasserstoff aus Biogas” von Maximilian Schleupen: Aufzeichnung

2019 | Zukünftige Beheizung von Industrieöfen

2. Aachener Ofenbau und Thermprozess-Kolloquium

10. und 11. Oktober 2019 in Aachen



2017 | Improved NOx Limitation Standard to Reflect Combustion Efficiency

Author: M. Schönfelder, S. Mickey, J.G. Wünning

Journal: Industrial Heating

Date: June 12th, 2017


In many locations throughout North America, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of gas-heated furnaces are limited by law or code. This is typically the case in urban areas or in places where special topographical characteristics intensify the negative local and regional effects of NOx emissions.


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2016 | Zunderwachstum von Kupfer und Stahl bei direkter Befeuerung mit Brennstoffüberschuss

Titel: Zunderwachstum von Kupfer und Stahl bei direkter Befeuerung mit Brennstoffüberschuss

Ein in Heft 3/2016 der  Zeitschrift Gaswärme International vorgestelltes Verfahren für die Erwärmung von Metall-Halbzeugen in direkt befeuerten Anlagen nutzt den Prozess der Verbrennung mit Brennstoffüberschuss. Laborversuche zeigen, dass unter diesen Bedingungen bei Nutzgut aus Kupfer und einem Warmarbeitstahl gegenüber einer Erwärmung mit Luftüberschuss signifikant kleinere Zundermengen resultieren. Auf Kupfer bildet sich bereits bei einer Luftzahl von 0,96 kein Zunder mehr, beim Stahl reduziert sich der Metallverlust bei einer Luftzahl von 0,95 um ca. 50 %.

2014 | Factors, Influencing Radiant Tube Life

A good durability of radiant tubes is essential for a profitable operation of a strip line. There are several factors influencing the radiant tube life …

Article (english)

Presentation (english) 

2014 | Clean and Efficient Heating of Industrial Furnaces

Energy costs usually represent a large fraction of operating cost for an industrial furnace. Most of these furnaces use natural gas as an energy source for heating.

link zum Artikel

2013 | Spaltstrombrenner im industriellen Einsatz

Autor: J.G. Wünning
Journal: Gaswärme International
Ausgabe: 1/2013


Brenngase sind in den meisten Fällen der wirtschaftlichste und umweltfreundlichste Energieträger zum Beheizen von Industrieöfen. Eine weitere Steigerung der Effizienz und Absenkung der Schadstoffe ist aber möglich. Die Einführung neuer Brennertechnik erfordert eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Anlagenherstellern und -betreibern, damit Neuentwicklungen erfolgreich eingesetzt werden können.

2012 | Bedeutung der flammenlosen Oxidation für die Energiewende

Autor: J.G. Wünning
Publikation: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 4 / 2012


Die Verbrennung ist das zentrale Verfahren zur Umwandlung von Brennstoffenergie in Wärme. Das Ziel einer schadstoffarmen und effizienten Verbrennung kann durch die flammlose Oxidation bei vielen Prozessen erreicht werden. Betrachtet werden die Beheizung von Hochtemperaturprozessen, die Möglichkeiten zur Effizienzsteigerung von Niedertemperaturprozessen, die Bereitstellung von Heizwärme und die Stromerzeugung in Kraftwerken.

2012 | Recent Developments and Applications of Flameless Oxidation

The scope of the present publication is to illustrate how the application of flameless oxidation can actually represent a significant contribution to the achievement of the climate goals addressed by the European energy strategy for the future decades. The benefits and opportunities related to the utilization of the flameless oxidation technology still have large potential not only on the industrial field, but also in the private and domestic energy sector as well as in power generation plants. Basically, two methods can be addressed for the achievement of the goals set by the Energy 2020 strategy: on one hand the CO2-free power generation, on the other hand the energy conservation through higher efficiency. It can be shown how the implementation of these latter measures implies much more contained economical efforts.


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2010 | Schnelle und zuverlässige CFD-Modellierung der flammlosen Oxidation

Autor: J.G. Wünning
Journal: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 2010


In Hochschulen und zunehmend auch in der Industrie wird die Computersimulation von Strömung, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung (CFD – computational fluid dynamcis) eingesetzt. Als größte Schwachpunkte werden noch immer die oftmals zweifelhafte Zuverlässigkeit der Ergebnisse sowie die langen Berechnungszeiten angesehen. Im vorliegenden Artikel soll gezeigt werden, wie Verbrennungsvorgänge der flammlosen Oxidation durch geeignete Wahl der Randbedingungen sehr schnell berechnet werden können. Das Ziel sind dabei Berechnungszeiten von wenigen Minuten. Die kurzen Berechnungszeiten ermöglichen ausgiebige Überprüfung der Berechnungsmodelle und erlauben vielfältige Parametervariationen.

2010 | Näherungsformel zur Abschätzung der Abgasverluste

Autor: J.G. Wünning
Journal: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 2010

Eine Näherungsformel zur Abschätzung der Abgasverluste wird vorgeschlagen die auch bei höheren Temperaturen angewendet werden kann.

2010 | 5-minute CFD of flameless oxidation

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: HTACG2010
Location: Poznan, Poland


Abstract: This article should stimulate a discussion about the role of CFD simulations for flameless oxidation with the goal to increase trustworthiness of the results of CFD. It is proposed to drastically reduce the complexity of the cases to achieve results in less than 5 minutes. These calculation could be performed as an alternative or addition to existing calculations.


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2009 | Verringerung der Abgasverluste und Emissionen durch neue Rekuperator und Regeneratorbrenner

Autor: J.G. Wünning
Publikation: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 2009


Die Verringerung der Abgasverluste ist in vielen Fällen die wirksamste und wirtschaftlichste Lösung zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von Industrieöfen. Im folgenden Beitrag werden zwei neue Brennerbauarten vorgestellt, mit denen die Abgasverluste gegenüber Rippenrohr-Rekuperatorbrennern nahezu halbiert werden können. Mit dem Regeneratorbrenner werden höchste Wirkungsgrade erzielt, es muss jedoch ein gewisser Aufwand für das zyklische Umschalten und die Abgasabsaugung in Kauf genommen werden. Besonders bei Brennern geringer Leistung und bei kleinen Ofenanlagen ist dieser Aufwand bei derzeitigen Energiepreisen nicht immer gerechtfertigt. Mit dem neuen Spaltstrom – Rekuperatorbrenner werden hohe Wirkungsgrade mit einem rekuperativen System erzielt. Bei beiden Brennertypen kommt die flammlose Oxidation zum Einsatz, womit sehr niedrige Stickoxidwerte erreicht werden.

2009 | Advanced Combustion System Makes California Plant Possible

Authors: S. Ogonek, L. Rabe, S. Dixon
Publication: Industrial Heating
Year: 2009


Betts Spring, an OEM producer of coiled springs for automotive and other uses, was established in 1868 in the San Francisco Bay area of California. They have been in business longer than most companies because they are successfully dealing with (among other things) cost increases – both production costs and the cost of living for associates. To provide a better quality of life for their employees and to control costs for the company, the management team made the decision to move their spring production operation to a new location.


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2008 | Regenerative Burners for Heat Treating Furnaces

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: 8th INFUB
Location: Portugal
Year: 2008


Regenerative combustion air preheating became increasingly popular due to rising energy costs. Advances in the abatement of NOx-formation made it possible to lower emissions in new installation despite high air preheating temperatures. Now, there are many regenerative fired furnaces in the steel industry, many of them in the large reheating furnaces. But there is still are large potential in energy savings. Besides the large firing capacities in reheating furnaces, there are many heat treating furnaces with smaller capacaity burners and also radiant tube heated furnaces. Small capacity regenerative burner systems require different concepts which will be discussed in the presentation.


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2008 | Regenerative Burners for Double-P Radiant Tubes in a Vertical Galvanizing Line

A. Georgiew, J.G. Wünning, U. Bonnet
Publication: Heat Processing
Year: 2008


This article will describe the application of a new self regenerative burner in a continuous galvanizing line. After a brief introduction of the process line, the self regenerative burner will be described. Very high air preheat temperatures enable considerable energy savings and flameless oxidation suppresses the formation of NOx.

2008 | Investigation of NOx formation for flameless coal combustion

Dragisa Ristic1, Maik Schneider, Anja Schuster, Prof. Dr. techn. Günter Scheffknecht, Dr. Joachim G. Wünning

Conference: 7th HTACG 08
Location: Phuket, Thailand
Year: 2008


In recent years flameless combustion technology has been developed in order to reduce NOx emissions in combustion proceses. Within this work a significant reduction of NOx emissions was achieved by developing a novel coal flameless burner design. The objective of this paper is to examine mechanisms forming NOx in the pulverised coal air staging combustion. Within this research, determination of the fuel-NO portion out of total-NO concentrations has been done by evaluating the flue gas measurements and using Ar/O2 mixture instead of combustion air in flameless and flame mode. Nitrogen-containing species such as HCN and NH3 and gaseous species used for calibration have been recorded using a high resolution FTIR spectrophotometer in flameless and flame mode. The effect of stoichiometry in the fuel-rich zone and the effect of furnace wall temperature were examined in flameless mode. The results show strong influence of volatile matter content in coal on NOx emission. The thermal-NO could be reduced double within flameless mode. Within flameless mode in primary combustion zone under fuel-rich conditions reducing components HCN and NH3 are dominant volatile nitrogenous species. Amount of yielded total fuel volatile nitrogen within primary combustion zone under fuel-rich condition depend on local stoichiometry. Increasing furnace wall temperature decreases fuel-NO.


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2008 | Flameless Oxidation in Gas Fired Radiant Tubes

Joachim G. Wünning
Conference: 7th HTACG 08
Location: Phuket, Thailand
Year: 2008


Air preheating became increasingly popular due to rising energy costs. Advances in the abatement of NOx-formation made it possible to lower emissions in new installation despite high air preheating temperatures. Besides the large firing capacities in reheating furnaces, there are many heat treating furnaces with smaller capacity burners and also radiant tube heated furnaces. Small capacity recuperative and regenerative burner systems require different concepts which will be discussed in this paper.


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2007 | Small Capacity Regenerative Burners

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference : AFRC – JFRC
Location: Hawaii, USA
Year: 2007


Regenerative combustion air preheating became increasingly popular due to rising energy costs. Advances in the abatement of NOx-formation made it possible to lower emissions in new installation despite high air preheating temperatures. Now, there are many regenerative fired furnaces in the steel industry, many of them in the large reheating furnaces. But there is still are large potential in energy savings. Besides the large firing capacities in reheating furnaces, there are many heat treating furnaces with smaller capacity burners and also radiant tube heated furnaces. Small capacity regenerative burner systems require different concepts which will be discussed in the presentation.


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2007 | Regenerativbrenner für Doppel-P-Strahlheizrohre in einer Feuerverzinkungslinie

Autoren: A. Georgiew, J.G. Wünning, U. Bonnet
Journal: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 2007


Im Beitrag wird der Einsatz kompakter Regenerativbrenner in Doppel-P-Strahlheizrohren einer Feuerverzinkungslinie beschrieben. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der Gesamtanlage und des Glühofens wird die Arbeitsweise des Regenerativbrenners beschrieben. Der Regenerativbrenner trägt durch sehr hohe Luftvorwärmtemperaturen entscheidend zur Energieeinsparung bei und reduziert gleichzeitig durch Anwendung der flammlosen Oxidation die NOx Emissionen.


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2007 | Regeneratorbrenner für Strahlheizrohre

Autoren: J.A. Wünning, J.G. Wünning
Konferenz: Dt. Flammentag
Ort: Berlin, Deutschland
Jahr: 2007


Strahlheizrohre werden für die indirekte Beheizung von Thermoprozessanlagen, vorwiegend auf dem Gebiet der Wärmebehandlung von Stahl, eingesetzt. Stand der Technik sind Rekuperatorbrenner, bei denen der Brenner und der rekuperative Luftvorwärmer eine Baueinheit bilden. Im Zuge der steigenden Energiepreise werden verstärkte Anstrengungen unternommen, die Effizienz der Luftvorwärmung und damit den feuerungstechnischen Wirkungsgrad noch weiter zu steigern. Höhere Luftvorwärmtemperaturen können mit einem regenerativen Luftvorwärmer erreicht werden, der ein Einsparpotential gegenüber einem Rekuperatorbrenner von 15-25% bietet. Bislang werden Regeneratorbrenner aber im wesentlichen für offene Beheizung und bei höheren Brennerleistungen eingesetzt. Im Beitrag wird die Entwicklung sowie erste Anwendungen von kompakten Regeneratorbrennern beschrieben, die kompatibel mit Rekuperatorbrennern sind. Bei der Verbrennungstechnik muss vor allem die Bildung der thermischen Stickoxide verhindert werden. Mit Hilfe der flammlosen Oxidation gelingt es, trotz der extrem hohen Luftvorwärmtemperaturen in Verbindung mit den beengten Strömungsverhältnissen im Strahlrohr niedrige NOx-Werte zu erreichen. Eine weitere Herausforderung ist die Unterbringung des regenerativen Wärmetauschers in einem sehr kompakten Bauvolumen.

2007 | Application of FLOX® Technology for the Utilization of Low-Grade Biofuels

Authors: A. Schuster, M. Zieba, G. Scheffknecht, J.G. Wünning
Conference: 15th European Biomass Conference
Location, Berlin, Germany
Year: 2007


The demand on biomass for heat and power production has intensively increased within the last years due to the rising gas and oil prices. Up to now mostly high-quality biomass (e.g. wood pellets, untreated wood) is used for heat production but also low-grade biomass becomes more and more of interest. For utilization of low-grade biomass an advanced combustion technology is required due to its high content on inert components, e.g. nitrogen. Gasification of solid bio-residues to generate low calorific value (LCV) gases and their subsequent combustion is one of the possible conversion pathways. Within the presented work a multi-nozzle burner for LCV gases applying flameless oxidation (FLOX®) was developed that has several advantages compared to conventional flame burners. The FLOX®-burner was integrated in an existing dual-chamber furnace and four different residues from biorefinery processes were tested. Besides a more stable combustion with an improved burnout and thus a broader range of operation also a better performance due to the operation at lower excess oxygen were achieved. Furthermore the high power density of a FLOX®-burner reduces the volume of the combustion chamber by about 75 %. However, the investigations have also shown that the FLOX®-burner can only reduce thermal NO emissions but NO emissions related to fuel-bond nitrogen (e.g. in high contents in agricultural residues) are still on a high level or even increased by the flameless combustion.

2007 | Optimization of Conventional Biomass Combustion System by Applying Flameless Oxidation

Authors: A. Schuster, M. Zieba and G. Scheffknecht, J.G. Wünning
Conference: IFRF Member Conf.
Location: Pisa, Italy
Year: 2007


The utilisation of low-grade biomass requires an appropriate technology that meets the increased demands regarding emission reduction (e.g. NOx). Within this work a new burner for low calorific value (LCV) gas applying flameless oxidation (FLOX®) will be presented that replaces the conventional flame burner of a dual-chamber furnace. The integration of an adapted FLOX®-burner has shown several benefits. Different bio-residues were tested and a more stable combustion with enhanced burnout was achieved for all tested fuels. Furthermore, the burner can be operated in broader range of operation and closer to stoichiometric conditions. Due to the high power density of a FLOX®-burner the complete facility could be downsized in the future. Still, the tests have shown that the NOx reduction potential of a FLOX®-burner is limited for LCV gas combustion since the most NO emissions are related to fuel-bond nitrogen. In the LCV gases generated from wheat pellets and rape cake pellets high concentrations of NO-precursors (NH3 and HCN) are measured that are subsequently be oxidized to NO in the FLOX®-burner. Therefore, an air-staged burner for N-rich LCV gases based on flameless combustion is proposed where NO-precursors can be reduced to N2 in a first substoichiometric region. CFD simulations were applied to investigate an appropriate design of an air-staged FLOX®-burner. Special emphasis is placed on the creation of a sufficient internal recirculation of flue gases required for flameless combustion. First results of CFD simulations are presented.


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2007 | Energy Saving Potentials for Gas Fired Industrial Furnaces

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: Thermprocess Symposium
Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
Year: 2007


Energy efficiency has become a top priority for many companies in the steel and heat treating business. Since hot exhaust gases represent the largest source for losses in most industrial furnaces, preheating the combustion air provides the highest potential for energy savings. Different strategies will be discussed in this paper in respect to their advantages but also regardings things which have to be considered. A new type of regenerative burner for radiant tube heating will also be presented. Regenerative air preheating is accepted as the most effective way to increase energy efficiency for high temperature process heating but was seen in the past as to complex and expensive for heating small and medium size heat treating furnaces.


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2007 | Self Regenerative Burner for Single Ended-, P- and Double-P-Radiant Tubes

Author: J.G. Wünning
Journal: Industrial Heating
Year: 2007


Gas fired radiant tubes are widely used to heat industrial furnaces. Energy efficiency has become a top priority for many companies in the heat treating business. This paper will discuss the available options and will present a new type of regenerative burner for radiant tube heating. Regenerative air preheating is accepted as the most effective way to increase energy efficiency for high temperature process heating but was seen as to complex and expensive for heating small and medium size heat treating furnaces.

2006 | Neue Brennersysteme für Bio-Raffinerien

R. Berger, A. Schuster, J.G. Wünning
Journal: Gaswärme International
Jahr: 2006


Das Konzept der Bio-Raffinerie setzt der simplen Holzverbrennung eine integrierte stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasseressourcen entgegen. Ähnlich wie bei dem Konzept der Verbundstandorte in der Großchemie erfordert dies die effektive Nutzung von Nebenprodukten und Abfällen. Für diese Zwecke entwickeln die Firma WS-Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH und die Universität Stuttgart neue Brennersysteme auf Basis des bewährten Prinzips der Flammenlosen Oxidation (FLOX®). Diese Entwicklung hat inzwischen zur Gründung der Firma e-flox GmbH geführt, die sich der Vermarktung dieser neuen Technologien widmet. In diesem Beitrag werden Schwachgasbrenner beschrieben, die direkt mit Vorvergasern gekoppelt werden, um feste Reststoffe zu nutzen. Die 800–900 °C heißen Gase werden in einem FLOX®-Brenner umgesetzt. Mit CO-Emissionen von < 30 mg/m3 bei O2-Gehalten von 4% gelang es damit die CO-Emissionen gegenüber dem Stand der Technik um den Faktor 4 und die Abgasverluste um rund 25 % zu senken. Der getestete Brenner arbeitet stabil bei Sauerstoffgehalten von 3 bis 9% im Abgas. Es gelingt zwar, wie für FLOX®-Brenner erwartet thermische Stickstoffoxidbildung zu vermeiden, aber die auf Brennstoff-Stickstoff basierenden NOx-Emissionen können in diesem Betriebsbereich nicht reduziert werden. Aus diesem Grund wurde das Brennerkonzept zu einem gestuften FLOX®-Brenner weiterentwickelt. Dieser soll im Herbst an einer industriellen Vorvergasungsanlage getestet werden.


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2006 | Flat Flame Burners for Bogie Hearth Furnaces

Authors: U. Bonnet, H. Kaczor, J. Wünning
Journal: Millenium Steel
Year: 2006


Heating of forging ingots in bogie hearth furnaces can be greatly improved by a specially
designed ceramic nozzle burner that distributes heat in a more uniform pattern while minimising
scale formation, energy consumption and NOx emissions, and maximising productivity.


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2006 | Operating Experience with Regard to New Double P Radiant Tube Technology in a Vertical Galvanizing Line

Authors: E. Beck, R. Schönenberg, S. Zeizinger, J. Wuenning
Conference: Galvanizers Meeting
Location: Columbus, Ohiol
Year: 2006


Thyssen Krupp Steel started up a new 450,000 t/year (500,000 tons/year) galvanizing line in the fall of 2001 at their Dortmund, Germany plant. The vertical annealing furnace is equipped with a total of 189 double-P-radiant tubes. This is the first time that a vertical annealing furnace was completely furnished with the new radiant tube design. The main motive to install new radiant tube technology was to improve tube life, due to better temperature uniformity of the tube. The presentation will describe the technology and will give a status report after five years of operation with special focus on:
– tube life
– energy efficiency
– reliability
– maintenance and
– emissions


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2005 | New Burner Technologies for Low Grade Biofuels to Supply Clean Energy for Processes in Biorefineries

Author: A. Schuster, R. Berger, G. Scheffknecht, J.G. Wünning, M. Hiltunen, T. Eriksson, M. Schmid, C. Gaegauf
Conference: Biogas05
Location: Paris, France
Year: 2005


The utilisation of low grade biofuels suffers from the lack of advanced technology. Within the European Project BIO-PRO new burner systems are developed to exploit the unused sources of gaseous, liquid and solid bio-residues. Two innovative burner technologies like flameless oxidation (FLOX®) and continuous air staging (COSTAIR) will be applied and adapted to low calorific value (LCV) gas combustion. The project objectives and the general approach for the development of two burner systems, one for gases and liquids and one for solids, are described. Results of the FLOX®-burner development and a first industrial test of a prototype burner are presented in detail. LCV gases with a minimum calorific value of 2.5 MJ/Nm3 can be burned stably in a bench-scale FLOX®-burner. The utilisation of liquid biofuels (rapeseed oil) is successfully tested. First investigations on the fuel-NO reduction potential of the burner system show promising results. A first prototype FLOX®-burner demonstrated its fuel flexibility in a 176 hours industrial test run. The current results of the gas/liquid burner development will now be applied to a burner that can be directly integrated in gasifiers.

2005 | Seitenbeheizter Herdwagenofen mit neuartigen Flachflammenbrennern

Autoren: H. Kaczor, U.Bonnet
Journal: Gaswärme International
Year: 2005


Es wird über den erfolgreichen Einsatz von Rekuperator-Brennern in einem Herdwagenofen für die Erwärmung von Schmiedeblöcken berichtet. Die besondere Verteilung der Flamme durch einen keramischen Brennerkopf macht diese Anwendung sehr wirtschaftlich bei gleichzeitiger Vergleichmäßigung der Durchwärmung.


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2005 | Use of ceramic single-end recuperative burners in a horizontal galvanising line

Authors: Tim McCrea, G. Gabbert, R. Patil
Journal: Millenium Steel
Year: 2005


Retrofitting ceramic single-end recuperative burners in a continuous galvanising line has provided improved availability, energy efficiency and heat flux, and reduced emissions compared to the pre-existing alloy tube system. This solution has eliminated the source of tube failures and extends the life of the tubes from 3.5 years to potentially over 10 years.

2005 | Flameless Oxidation

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: HTACG05
Location: Essen, Germany
Year: 2005


Flameless Combustion was first developed to suppress thermal NOx formation in burners for heating industrial furnaces using preheated combustion air. While this technique is applied in large numbers now, there are a number of other applications emerging. The presentation will give an introduction into flameless combustion and then show industrial applications and applications which are at a research stage.

– heat treating and heating furnaces in the steel industry
– gas turbines – bio gas burners
– burners for hydrogen reformers
– burners for CHP units
– and others


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2005 | Direct fired strip preheating

U. Bonnet, K. Telger, J.G. Wünning
Conference: HTACG05
Location: Essen, Germany
Year: 2005


A new design of a preheating unit for electrical steel strip has been developed and installed in front of a continuous radiant tube furnace. The unit uses self recuperative FLOX® burners arranged in a “nozzle field” and is designed to preheat the strip up to 400 °C. The required heating length is reduced to one fourth of a comparable radiant tube furnace section. This implies a large reduction in specific furnace length and therefore in lay-out and investment costs. The present article describes the new fast heating unit, the feedback from industrial tests and the conclusions derived from the successful installation on the continuous annealing line.


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2005 | Gas Fired Radiant Tube Heating Systems

J.G. Wünning
Journal: Heat Treating Progress
Year: 2005


Natural gas prices, after an extended period of stability, have become extremely volatile in the last few years. This is only one of the challenges that companies operating heat treating furnaces are now facing. Worldwide competition is forcing companies to produce more product with fewer people. There is pressure to increase furnace uptime, while furnace operators and maintenance staff are reduced. In addition, there are tightening emission requirements and as yet unknown future carbon dioxide tariffs. These challenges are related to radiant tube heating systems. Heat treating furnaces with outdated technology will not be competitive in the future. However, much effort has been put into the development of new radiant tube designs, and there is also new technology on the market that can be adapted for heat treating furnaces.

2005 | Flameless Combustion and its Applications

J.G. Wünning
Conference: IGT05
Location: Orlando, Florida
Year: 2005



Flameless Combustion was first developed to suppress thermal NOx formation in burners for heating industrial furnaces using preheated combustion air. While this technique is applied in large numbers now, there are a number of other applications emerging. The presentation will give an introduction into flameless combustion and then show industrial applications and applications which are at a research stage.
– heat treating and heating furnaces in the steel industry
– gas turbines
– bio gas burners
– burners for hydrogen reformers
– burners for CHP units
– and others


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Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: Galvanizers
Location: Charleston, USA
Year: 2004


After a extended period of low and stable natural gas prices, the prices have become extremely volatile in the last years. This is only one of the challenges, the operating companies of galvanizing lines are facing right now. Worldwide competition is forcing companies to produce more and more tons of strip with fewer and fewer people. Uptime of the lines must increase while the number of furnace operators and maintenance staff is reduced. In addition there are tightening emission requirements and yet unknown future carbon dioxide tariffs. All of these challenges are also related to the radiant tube heating systems of the strip line furnaces. Strip lines with outdated technology will not be competitive in the future. On the other hand, a lot of effort was put into the development of new radiant tube designs, and there is also new technology out on the market which can be adapted for strip line furnaces.


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2004 | New Annealing and Pickling Line for Stainless Steel Strip Heated with Self Regenerative Burners

W. Roth, L.A. Ruiter, K.-H. Kirchhoff
Journal: Heat Processing
Year: 2004


The furnace of a continuous annealing and pickling line for stainless steel strip usually is direct fired. Due to the bright surface of stainless steel strip, high zone temperatures are required to achieve good heating rates. The flue gas losses can be reduced with long unheated preheat zones in combination with a central heat exchanger or by using self regenerative burners.

2004 | Neue Glüh- und Beizlinie für Edelstahlband beheizt mit kompakten Regenerativbrennern

W. Roth, L.A. Ruiter, K.-H. Kirchhoff

Journal: GasWärme Int.
Year: 2004


Kontinuierliche Glühöfen als Teil einer Glüh- und Beizlinie für Edelstahlband werden in der Regel direkt beheizt. Aufgrund der blanken Oberflächen des Edelstahlbandes sind hohe Zonentemperaturen notwendig um eine vertretbare Aufheizleistung im Ofen zu erreichen. Damit die Abgasverluste dabei minimiert werden, ist entweder eine lange unbeheizte Vorheizzone in Verbindung mit einem zentralen Wärmetauscher für die Verbrennungsluft vorzusehen oder aber der Einsatz von Regenerativbrennern.

2004 | Flameless Combustion and its Applications

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: IFRF Member Conf.
Location: Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
Year: 2004


If a combustible mixture of fuel and air is ignited, a flame can develop. In the reaction zone, called flame front, the temperature rises quickly to temperatures close to the adiabatic temperature. The flame can be stabilized within or close to the burner, so that the combustion goes stable and controlled. The different methods for flame stabilization play an important role in the field of burner development. Examples are baffle and swirl stabilization. For the required flame supervision, optical and electrical effects of flames are used. Modern burner designs use UV or ionisation detectors for automatic flame safety systems. In the absence of a flame signal, the burner is shut off. Therefore it can be said, that flames fullfill two important functions: flame stabilisation guarantees a constant and controlled reaction and a stable flame provides a steady reliable signal for flame safety systems. The question is why to five up the proven concept of flames and what are the advantages of flameless oxidation. The main important answer to this question is that flameless oxidation can suppress thermal NO-formation even when highly preheated air is used. The presentation will provide an overview of the activities around flameless oxidation from the last decade and it will also give an outlook on future potentials.


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2004 | Annealing and pickling lines: benefits from advanced combustion systems

V. Burkhardt, W. Roth, H. Tibbenham, J.Wuenning
Publication: Millenium Steel
Year: 2004


Continuous annealing and pickling lines (A&P) for stainless steel strip are large plants where the strip is annealed in free-flame furnaces at high temperature (1250 °C max) and where uniform heating and oxidation is important for surface quality. The coils are cold rolled, then annealed in a downstream A&P line where the quality requirements are very stringent. Energy saving, NOx emissions from combustion of natural gas and from pickling, productivity and good performance (uniformity, ease of operation and control) are major issues, as they directly affect product quality and costs. Flameless technology has been developed to make possible extremely high air preheating together with low NOx in high temperature process furnaces.


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2004 | RadiantTube Technology for Strip Line Furnaces

A. Milani, J.G. Wünning
Conference: IFRF Member Conf.
Location: Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands Year: 2004


The following report reviews modern technology of radiant tubes with emphasis on heat recovery and low-NOx combustion techniques, including flameless combustion. Performance of radiant tubes is of basic consequence in large strip line furnaces; combustion pattern inside the tube, as well as connection of many tubes to the furnace, play a crucial role. The paper assesses features related to this topic, from main design concepts to materials available for radiant tubes, from energy saving measures to abatement of NOx emissions and flame/plant control. Significant applications to large industrial plants are reported, as well as on-going development of new products. Industrial practice and field feed-back point out that additional investment costs for an efficient and reliable radiant tube system can be recovered in a few years and provide better quality and operating conditions.

2004 | Advanced Combustion System for A&P Lines

Author: J.G. Wünning
Journal: Industrial Heating Magazin
Year: 2004


Performance of the combustion equipement is a major issue in modern annealing and pickling lines for stainless steel strip, not only for energy savings and low NOx emissions, but also for product quality and reliable operation. A compact regenerative burner for this purpose has been designed, extensively tested and sucessfully installed on industrial furnaces in different countries. Recently, an A&P line at Columbus Stainless Ltd. in South Africa was upgraded, using regenerative burners.

2003 | Advanced Combustion Equipement for Continuous Furnaces

A. Milani, J.G. Wünning
Conference: IFRF Totem
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2003


The following report reviews modern technology of regenerative burners with emphasis on heat recovery and flameless combustion techniques for high temperature processes. Performance of the combustion equipment are most important in large, strip line furnaces not only for energy saving and NOx abatement, but also for reliable, trouble free operation. The paper describes a modern, compact regenerative burner that has been extensively installed and tested on industrial furnaces and assesses related features. Significant and successful applications to large Annealing and Pickling lines for stainless steel strip are reported. Industrial practice and field feed-back point out that a modern, efficient and more reliable combustion system may be competitive and that possible additional investment costs can be recovered in a short time, while providing better quality and easy operating conditions.

2003 | Flameless oxidation burners for heating strip lines

Author: J.G. Wünning
Publication: Heat Processing
Year: 2003


Natural gas is the most widely used fuel for heating strip in furnaces due to its availability and clean combustion and is enabling much lower energy costs, compared to electrical heating systems, provided that an efficient system is used. Besides energy costs issues, heating systems play an important role for the performance of a furnace, especially regarding temperature uniformity / product quality, net heat input / productivity, energy efficiency / operating costs, maintenance / operating costs, tube life / operating costs, flue gas emissions / pollution, furnace downtime, ease of operation and investment costs. The following reports shows that all these aspects have to be considered to make a decision for a new heat treating furnace or a retrofit project.


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2003 | Advanced Radiant Tube Heating System for High-Output Strip Heating

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: AISE
Location: Pitsburgh, PA
Year: 2003


Many strip processing lines include furnaces operating under a protective atmosphere. Most of them are heated using gas fired radiant tubes. The performance of the radiant tubes is vital for: productivity strip quality operating (energy) costs availability and required maintenance. The strip lines often have production rates in a range of 50 to 100 t/hr of strip and all unscheduled line stops create major trouble. Strip quality is essential to meet high customer standards. Process lines with a low fuel efficiency carry the risk of not being competitive, especially in times of high fluctuations of natural gas prices and global markets. Maintenance, especially unscheduled one, must be reduced since the process lines are operated with less and less personnel.

2003 | Neue Brennersysteme zur dezentralen Nutzung von schwachkalorigen Gasen in Mikro-Gasturbinen

A. Al-Halbouni; A. Giese; M. Flamme, B. Michalski; V. Scherer, J. G. Wünning
Konferenz: Dt. Flammentag
Year: 2003


Im Rahmen eines von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigung AiF geförderten Gemeinschaftsprojekts werden in Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Gaswärme-Institut e.V. Essen (GWI) und dem Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik (LEAT) der Ruhr-Universität Bochum neue Feuerungssysteme mit dem Ziel untersucht, ein Brennerkonzept zu entwickeln, das zur energieeffizienten und umweltschonenden Verbrennung von Schwachgasen mit einem CH4-Anteil < 30 Vol. -% gewährleistet und somit zur dezentralen Verstromung schwachkaloriger Gase in Mikrogasturbinen beiträgt. Basierend auf detailierten Untersuchungsergebnissen unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen am GWI werden die optimalen Brennerkonfigurationen mittels numerischer Simulationen und scale-up-Kriterien für die darauf aufbauenden Druckversuche an der LEAT-Druckbrennkammer aufgestellt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse der atmosphärischen Untersuchungen vorgestellt und der Status der Druckversuche erläutert.

2003 | NOx-Reduction in a Pressurized Pulverized Coal Flame by Flue Gas Recirculation

C. Fielenbach, Th. Holfeld, C. von Petery, U. Renz, J.G. Wünning
Conference: Coal
Location: Pitsburgh, PA
Year: 2003


Natural gas is the most widely used fuel for heating strip in furnaces due to its availability and clean combustion and is enabling much lower energy costs, compared to electrical heating systems, provided that an efficient system is used. Besides energy costs issues, heating systems play an important role for the performance of a furnace, especially regarding temperature uniformity / product quality, net heat input / productivity, energy efficiency / operating costs, maintenance / operating costs, tube life / operating costs, flue gas emissions / pollution, furnace downtime, ease of operation and investment costs. The following reports shows that all these aspects have to be considered to make a decision for a new heat treating furnace or a retrofit project.


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2003 | FLOX® – Flameless Combustion

Author: J.G. Wünning
Conference: Thermprocess Symposium
Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
Year: 2003


If a combustible mixture of fuel and air is ignited, a flame can develop. In the reaction zone, called flame front, the temperature rises quickly to temperatures close to the adiabatic temperature. The flame can be stabilized within or close to the burner, so that the combustion goes stable and controlled. The different methods for flame stabilization play an important role in the field of burner development. Examples are baffle and swirl stabilization. For the required flame supervision, optical and electrical effects of flames are used. Modern burner designs use UV or ionisation detectors for automatic flame safety systems. In the absence of a flame signal, the burner is shut off. Therefore it can be said, that flames fullfill two important functions:
· flame stabilisation guarantees a constant and controlled reaction
· and a stable flame provides a steady reliable signal for flame safety systems.
The question is why to give up the proven concept of flames and what are the advantages of flameless oxidation. The main important answer to this question is that flameless oxidation can suppress thermal NO-formation even when highly preheated air is used. The presentation will provide an overview of the activities around flameless oxidation from the last decade and it will also give an outlook on future potentials.


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1997 | Ammoniak

Autoren: Domschke Th., Becker C., Wünning J.

VDI-Berichte 45, Flammentag 1997


Stickoxidarme Verbrennung N-haltiger Ströme – Eine Kombination aus katalytischer Spaltung und Verbrennung


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1989 | Wasserstoff

Autor: J.G. Wünning


Studienarbeit an der RWTH Aachen mit dem Titel “Wasserstoff für die Prozesswärmeerzeugung”


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