FLOX® burner REGEMAT® 250

Regemat® 250 | Description

The REGEMAT® 250 revolutionized the world of continuous galvanizing lines shortly after its introduction. With unprecedented efficiency and NOx emissions that make downstream exhaust gas treatment unnecessary even under the strictest regulations. 

Even today, customers who rely on the REGEMAT® 250 are optimally equipped for all possible future developments. Especially since the burner has all "Green Gas Ready"criteria with flying colors. Thanks to their use in recirculating double P-tubes, these systems are ideally prepared for the future of alternative fuels such as operation with green hydrogen. 

With well over 10 years of operating experience of thousands of burners, the REGEMAT® 250 is now proven reference technology for all customers who want a particularly future-proof and highly efficient system.


Input Rating
Rated power 140 kW

Fuel Gas
Natural gas (standard): natural gas H, natural gas L, methane
Other gases (optional): hydrogen, propane, butane and other dust-free, non-aggressive gases

Supply Pressures

Fuel gas: 7000 Pa (70 mbar), ± 5%
Combustion air: 8000 Pa (80 mbar), ± 5%
Suction pressure -8000 Pa (-80 mbar), ± 5%
Compressed air 5-6 bar

Maximum Operating Temperature

Exhaust gas inlet max. 1,050 °C

Flame Supervision

UV monitoring

Combustion Mode


Control Method


Customized solutions are available upon request.

REGEMAT® Burner Systems

REGEMAT® 250: Strong increase in sales figures

Continuous and recently even particularly strong increases in sales figures prove that the REGEMAT® 250 is the new gold standard for modern strip galvanizing lines. Customers are impressed by the lowest NOx values with maximum efficiency as well as its future viability thanks to its outstanding suitability for operation with hydrogen.



The REGEMAT® 350: An extremely energy-efficient regenerative burner for direct heating of high-temperature processes. Ready for operation with green hydrogen.



REGEMAT® burners achieve maximum energy efficiency for your industrial furnace. Thanks to FLOX® technology, extremely low-emission operation is also possible.


Inauguration of the new WS Service Center

Just in time for the start of the year, the WS Service department is delighted to have taken over and used the new WS Service Center. After extensive conversion work in the newly acquired building, nothing now stands in the way of its use as the new control center for our service department.


WS Summer party 2024

There was a lot to celebrate at the WS Summer Party 2024. Around 250 guests spent a thoroughly successful day in Renningen in the best weather and found out about the many new developments in the WS Group. Good food and a cold drink or two ensured a great atmosphere and fond memories.


High-ranking visit from China

Several high-ranking delegations from China visited WS in Renningen to find out about the best industrial burner technology available. The focus of the visit was on the low-emission and efficient heating of electric conveyor belt systems. Due to the increasing production of electric vehicles, this market segment is currently experiencing an upswing, particularly in Asia.