
At the cutting edge.

To be well informed about our customers' needs and current developments in politic and society is key to our success. To incorporate all this information into our strategy makes it possible to secure the long-term success of our customers. 

Below we present news around WS, affiliated companies, as well as information concering our industry.

Focus 2025
01.2025 | Inauguration and occupation of the new WS Service Center

Just in time for the start of the year, the WS Service department is delighted to have taken over and used the new WS Service Center. After extensive conversion work in the newly acquired building, nothing now stands in the way of its use as the new control center for our service department.

Link to the topic page

Focus 2024
05.2024 | Green hydrogen from electrolysis for the WS laboratory

In future, the WS laboratory will be supplied with green hydrogen from electrolysis. Surplus electricity from the local PV systems will be used for production.


Link to the topic page

04.2024 | Rexnord Kette GmbH achieves drastic CO2 reduction together with WS

The modernization of a belt oven carried out jointly by Rexnord Kette and WS resulted in a total saving of 35% CO2. 


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04.2024 | Minister President Kretschmann visits WS in Renningen

Baden-Württemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann visits the WS Group in Renningen together with District Administrator Roland Bernhard and Mayor Wolfgang Faißt. The topic of the visit is the WS Group's innovative solutions to contribute to the success of the energy transition. 


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03.2024 | Joachim Wünning becomes curator of the Thermoprocess Technology research field

Joachim Wünning has been appointed as curator of the new research field of thermal process technology within the Industry and Commerce research network. 

Link to the topic page

03.2024 | Hydrogen from biogas with WS Group technology

Producing green hydrogen from biogas is an excellent way to support the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. Immediately usable and decentrally distributed production options offer optimal conditions for this. The system is designed for economical production for regional use of hydrogen - a real gain in self-sufficiency and resilience for municipalities.


See the WDR report on a pilot plant in Krefeld:

External link 

02.2024 | REGEMAT® 250: Strong increase in sales figures

For several years now, sales figures for the highly efficient REGEMAT® 250 continuously. Recently, there has even been particularly strong growth for the burner in the "best available technology" class.


Link to the topic page

01.2024 | Successful start to the year: Innovation & investment

The WS Group is looking forward to an exciting and successful year 2024. We are expecting the completion and commissioning of several pioneering investments. On the product side, our customers can also look forward to various innovations and further developments that will make a decisive contribution to their success in achieving true sustainability. 


Link to the topic page

Focus 2023
12.2023 | Sustainability & efficiency: thyssenkrupp Steel plant FBA10

Sustainability and efficiency were the key aspects when planning the state-of-the-art FBA10 hot-dip coating system in Dortmund. An exciting video provides an insight into the individual plant components.

Link to the topic page: thyssenkrupp FBA10


09.2023 | H2 long-term test at Waelzholz successful

A long-term test for burner operation with hydrogen for heating electric strip lines was successfully completed together with Waelzholz.


Link to the topic page

09.2023 | Heat Treat Radio with Dr. Wünning

Heat Treat Radio #101: Heat Treat Tomorrow, Hydrogen Combustion 2023 - Fuel of the Future?

Discussion on the current and future situation of hydrogen use in processes for heat treatment.



06.2023 | Innovative heating of a wire annealing furnace

The Künne Group orders the world's first wire annealing furnace with an innovative heating concept. 


Link to the topic page

05.2023 | WS Group invests into its future!

With a total investment volume of almost 10 million euros, the WS Group around its core company WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH is making itself fit for the future. In addition to new buildings for storage and production areas, extensive investments into advanced research and development facilities are currently being implemented.


Already under construction is an electrolyzer that will produce green hydrogen from locally generated solar power, which will then be used in the WS labs for extensive development and testing of modern heating systems. Also, just about to be commissioned is a plant to supply the research department with ammonia (NH3), a carbon-free hydrogen carrier. Ammonia has great potential to play a major role in the future energy system. Suitable heating systems and reformer plants have already been developed for many years within the WS Group and today find rapidly growing demand in different market areas.


In addition to the technology investments, the company premises will be extended by several new buildings at an additional location in Renningen. The extensive expansions thus create the necessary space to accommodate the constant growth of the WS Group. In particular, the efficient assembly of larger plants in the field of green hydrogen production from biogas as well as other specialized reformer applications will be enabled. At the same time, the construction projects are a long-term commitment to the WS Group's home base in Renningen near Stuttgart.


WS consistently relies on sustainable raw materials for the new properties. The buildings will be built using timber construction and the on premise generation of green electricity will be maximized. The planned wooden facades and lush greenery also reflect the essence of the WS Group. After all, sustainability and energy efficiency have been at the heart of everything WS does for over 40 years already.

05.2023 | Roller hearth furnace with H2-ready burners for Schaeffler

Only adjustments to burners that had already been in operation for a long time were necessary to provide an H2-ready roller hearth furnace for Schaeffler in cooperation with furnace manufacturer Wienstroth. 


Link to the topic page

01.2023 | Regenerative burners for thyssenkrupp Steel

High-Efficiency and ultra-low-emission burner technology made by WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH will heat thyssenkrupp’s newest hot-dip galvanizing plant in Dortmund, Germany.


Link to the topic page: Regenerative burners for thyssenkrupp


Focus 2022
10.2022 | Green hydrogen from manure

On October 28, 2022, the consortium of BtX energy GmbH, e-flox GmbH and WS Reformer GmbH presented a pilot plant for the production of green hydrogen from biogas. In particular, liquid manure and other biogenic residues can be considered as feedstock for small-scale plants. 


Regional value creation and security of supply are just two aspects that make the project so interesting that it is being funded by the BMWi in the large-scale BioH2Ref research project.


Link to the topic page: Green hydrogen from slurry and manure

10.2022 | Green hydrogen and ammonia: Expansion of laboratory infrastructure

The supply system of our research and development department is currently being extensively expanded. After completion of the work, ammonia will also be available in addition to green hydrogen to enable advanced developments.


Link to the topic page: Green hydrogen and ammonia for the WS development department


09.2022 | Heat Treat Radio

Video discussion of the current and future situation of hydrogen use in processes for heat treatment.


02.2022 | Publicly Funded Research Project FLexHeat2Anneal

The research project FlexHeat2Anneal receives public funding. Together with RWT Aachen and Thyssen, WS will investigate and test the use of hydrogen as a fuel in a continuous steel strip furnace.


More Information: FlexHeat2Anneal

01.2022 | Economic Policy Standpoints | VDMA 2022

The economic policy positions of the VDMA 2022 have been published. On page 21 in the PDF - (Download) 26 VDMA 2022 - you will find the positions on climate and energy.

Focus 2021
09.2021 | Hydrogen from biogas

Biogas becomes hydrogen: Stefan Kaufmann focuses on future technologies.

09.2021 | Heat Treat Tomorrow

Video discussion (English) on the future of hydrogen in heat treatment.


Link: Heat Treat Today

Focus 2020
12.2020 | Talk: "World of Materials

Prof. Bonnet talks with Dr. Wünning about "Modern burner technologies for the heat treatment of steels".

11.2020 | DVGW | TRGE | Efficiency

Technical rule, part 2 - Thermal industry
Published: November 2020
Publisher: DVGW

09.2020 | German 24h Hydrogen Rally

Participation of WS in the 24h Hydrogen Rally, as part of the fuel cell event f-cell 2020.

Our participation shows possibilities to produce green hydrogen from biogas.




REGEMAT® 250: Strong increase in sales figures

Continuous and recently even particularly strong increases in sales figures prove that the REGEMAT® 250 is the new gold standard for modern strip galvanizing lines. Customers are impressed by the lowest NOx values with maximum efficiency as well as its future viability thanks to its outstanding suitability for operation with hydrogen.

Rekumat® CR


The patented REKUMAT® CR burners allow for the first time the substoichiometric operation of a recuperative burner due to the integrated afterburner. Highest efficiency and lowest NOx emissions thanks to FLOX® technology.

Rekumat® S


Thanks to patented gap-flow technology, REKUMAT® S NT burners achieve the highest energy efficiency with the lowest emissions even at low furnace chamber temperatures below 600 °C.

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