Research field of thermal process technology

BMWK initiates new research field in the Industry and Commerce research network

The new research field of thermal process technology is dedicated to the goal of defossilizing high-temperature processes above 1,000 °C. While some processes are flexible enough to be heated with renewable electricity, climate-neutral fuels will be necessary for many applications in the future.

Temperatures above 1,000 °C

The majority of all industrial processes used today with temperatures above 1,000 °C are heated using fossil fuels.

The goal of defossilizing these processes is particularly complex. Although some processes can in principle be heated electrically, they do not offer the load flexibility to follow the fluctuating generation of renewable energies. Less flexible processes can be heated with sustainable fuels such as fossil fuels. green hydrogen be heated.

Plant park worth billions 

For economic reasons, the switch to climate-neutral heating can only take place gradually. After all, there are billions in value in the existing plant fleet. In many cases, new construction is neither ecologically nor economically desirable. On the other hand, retrofitting for climate-neutral heating is technically easy to implement. And there is also potential in process management to further reduce overall energy requirements.

Curator Joachim Wünning

Joachim Wünning was appointed as the new curator of the research field. His aim is to drive research and development forward through regular exchanges and networking between a large number of stakeholders. As an expert in energy-efficient and low-emission combustion technology, Wünning brings the necessary tools to achieve real progress. At the same time, he emphasizes that an open-minded approach is essential. Without a technologically unbiased analysis, there is a risk that the best solutions will be overlooked. 

Cooperation with the Research Association for Industrial Furnace Construction

Similar goals to the newly formed research field have been pursued for years by the VDMA's Research Association for Industrial Furnace Construction (FOGI). Close cooperation is therefore a logical step.

"The research field of thermal process technology and the research community for industrial furnace construction can benefit from each other and complement each other well in their work. Similar players with similar interests are represented in both networks - competition can be left out of the equation in order to solve common problems. The research field also offers an incentive for medium-sized plant manufacturers to be a driving force in the field of research funding for politicians" says Joachim Wünning in the Interview with the project management organization Jülich. 

Successful networking of interdisciplinary research should therefore help to make thermal process technology fit for the energy transition.


Inauguration of the new WS Service Center

Just in time for the start of the year, the WS Service department is delighted to have taken over and used the new WS Service Center. After extensive conversion work in the newly acquired building, nothing now stands in the way of its use as the new control center for our service department.


WS Summer party 2024

There was a lot to celebrate at the WS Summer Party 2024. Around 250 guests spent a thoroughly successful day in Renningen in the best weather and found out about the many new developments in the WS Group. Good food and a cold drink or two ensured a great atmosphere and fond memories.


High-ranking visit from China

Several high-ranking delegations from China visited WS in Renningen to find out about the best industrial burner technology available. The focus of the visit was on the low-emission and efficient heating of electric conveyor belt systems. Due to the increasing production of electric vehicles, this market segment is currently experiencing an upswing, particularly in Asia.


Expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

Fast for the few or slow for everyone? WS is pursuing its own concept when it comes to expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. In order to achieve a low-cost yet effective charging system on the factory premises, WS consistently relies on a low charging capacity.


Green hydrogen: WS puts electrolyzer into operation

With the help of a new electrolyser and surplus electricity from its own PV systems with a capacity of over 400 kWp, WS will supply the laboratories in Renningen with green hydrogen in future. Following the installation of the electrolyser at the end of 2023, the storage and pipeline infrastructure is now also fully operational.

Rekumat® S

Drastic CO2 reduction at Rexnord Kette GmbH

Rexnord Kette GmbH and WS have successfully modernized a belt furnace, reducing the furnace's CO2 emissions by 35%. In addition to new burners with maximum energy efficiency, the optimization of the operating mode also contributes to the CO2 reduction.