Bio Gas to Hydrogen

Green hydrogen - decentralized.

Green hydrogen from bio gas with «FLOX® inside» is a key technology for successful ramp-up of the hydrogen economy.

20 years after the passing of the 1st EEG, the critical phase is now beginning in which a large number of biogas plants are threatened with shutdown due to inefficiency after their statutory compensation period has expired. Depending on the substrate fed, biogas plants can not only produce CO2-neutral (base-load capable) energy, but by using agricultural waste (slurry, etc.) also CH4-emissions. With the impending shutdown, up to 17 % of current energy generation from renewable sources in Germany would be threatened.

A promising alternative is the production of hydrogen from biogas by steam reforming. The hydrogen sulfide contained in the biogas is separated in a process that depends on the existing plant design (usually only additional deep desulfurization using activated carbon). Subsequently, the methane in the upgraded mixture is reformed to hydrogen by means of nickel-catalyzed steam reforming. Pressure swing adsorption is then used to remove the CO, CH4 and CO2 secluded. 

Steam reforming of biogas to hydrogen is an immediately available and economical alternative to the production of hydrogen by electrolysis. The technology is space-saving and available in modular container units. 


Our partners in the field of biogas reforming


Inauguration of the new WS Service Center

Just in time for the start of the year, the WS Service department is delighted to have taken over and used the new WS Service Center. After extensive conversion work in the newly acquired building, nothing now stands in the way of its use as the new control center for our service department.


WS Summer party 2024

There was a lot to celebrate at the WS Summer Party 2024. Around 250 guests spent a thoroughly successful day in Renningen in the best weather and found out about the many new developments in the WS Group. Good food and a cold drink or two ensured a great atmosphere and fond memories.


High-ranking visit from China

Several high-ranking delegations from China visited WS in Renningen to find out about the best industrial burner technology available. The focus of the visit was on the low-emission and efficient heating of electric conveyor belt systems. Due to the increasing production of electric vehicles, this market segment is currently experiencing an upswing, particularly in Asia.


Expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

Fast for the few or slow for everyone? WS is pursuing its own concept when it comes to expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. In order to achieve a low-cost yet effective charging system on the factory premises, WS consistently relies on a low charging capacity.


Green hydrogen: WS puts electrolyzer into operation

With the help of a new electrolyser and surplus electricity from its own PV systems with a capacity of over 400 kWp, WS will supply the laboratories in Renningen with green hydrogen in future. Following the installation of the electrolyser at the end of 2023, the storage and pipeline infrastructure is now also fully operational.

Rekumat® S

Drastic CO2 reduction at Rexnord Kette GmbH

Rexnord Kette GmbH and WS have successfully modernized a belt furnace, reducing the furnace's CO2 emissions by 35%. In addition to new burners with maximum energy efficiency, the optimization of the operating mode also contributes to the CO2 reduction.